logotxyz Some waves

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Welcome to the Wave Model Pages
fav   The Emergence of Quanta in a Causal Continuum
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fav   Rehabilitating causality in microscopic physics

The current form of microscopic physics called quantum theory introduces fundamental changes to the way causality is purported to operate in nature. Here we explore the possibility of modelling alternatives to the current theory that reconcile ideas of causality more smoothly with lay concepts, and particularly with the concepts used throughout engineering theories and models. To do this we are driven to return to the departure point of Newtonian theory and posit a lower level model in which mass, momentum and force are absent from the fundamentals and are seen to emerge, along with gravity, in the behaviour of the model. This can then be carried through to embrace the more modern concerns with electromagnetism and the quantum behaviour of matter.

fav   How waves form themselves into matter

We can write down models of variables in continuous space and time so that, defining neither boundaries nor any solid or particulate entities, the waves will gather into persisting forms ... we call them solitons. On this web site a model is presented that displays this property of entities emerging from a continuous field whilst at the same time producing behaviour that corresponds well with the phenomena of physics, both macroscopic and microscopic.

fav   Existing models have to impose their quantal forms

The conventional particle physics is not so complete as this in that it anyway starts with notions of particles and then goes on to rely upon the use of "Planck's Ansatz" as a forced assumption of quantisation. Nor do the "hybrid" developed theories of joint waves and particles achieve operation without imposing an equivalent assumption (Cramer, Bohm, Little etc.). As for the pure wave models (i.e. having no original particles), there are two groups. First there are those that are just descriptions of linear wave structures with presumed arbitrary mechanisms to delimit their entities (Wolff, Hawkings etc.). Of the others which do contain the necessary nonlinearities to produce emergent solitons none displays behaviour which is sufficiently consistent with observed physics to be useful in any significant breadth of application.

fav   A compact model consistent with nature is possible

Here the pure wave picture is more complete, starts from sparse precepts, and its behaviour corresponds well to natural phenomena. The main work so far has been directed at modelling of bound electrons because of its great importance in engineering. In its more recent development it connects the fine structure constant (and therefore the electron charge) with the same origins as gravity in an underlying noise field. It is derived as a consequence of correlative wave field dynamics and topology, which in turn is determined by the precepts of an underlying model expressed in a definitive differential wave equation and the low order spectral moments of a cosmological substrate noise field.

So far the work covers these issues:

fav   And why should we bother with a new model?

This web site is offered as a resource to those who share an interest in the prospect and possibilities of using wave continuum models for atomic, molecular and crystalline physical systems and in particular to clarify how quanta can emerge in a wave continuum model. The particle based models that are currently the conventional ones serve poorly for some of these tasks. The site explores a specific set of modelling ideas but also offers links to other web sites with similar, related or contrasting approaches.

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fav   Conceptual Outline

    (Currently under construction. Map only -- proper links not yet working.)

Comparative Basis for an Alternative Model.

The following diagram is a map of the concepts comparing the conventional view of quantum mechanics on the right with an alternative model based upon non-Lagrangian continuum structures on the left. Whereas the realist ideas upon which the current models are based lead to a pair of incompatible sub-models, there is no equivalent problem if a constructivist approach is used at the outset. By clicking on the items in the map a link to explanatory notes is obtained (for those items where they have been written).

Start here

Personal and social consciousness
Space-time paradigm
Dynamics models

Constructivist ideas
Second order cybernetics

Perception and observation processes
Continuum models
Stable attractors

Locally causal systems
DeBroglie and Maxwell waves
Circular causation
Weak correspondence principle
Quantal emergence

Modulated matrix Klein-Gordon model
Smooth scalar wave properties
Spin wave topology
Quark wave models
Space density generalisation
Perceptual connection

Zero d'Alembertian model
Native wave correlations - Maxwell
Derived stochastic waves - DeBroglie

Realist ideas
Logical positivism

Entity existence
Microscopic experiment
Lagrangian dynamics
Extremal action

Wave-particle duality
Correspondence principle
Probability basis
Gauge theory

Macroscopic metric properties
Special and general relativity
Riemannian geometry

Conflict of concepts
Non-local anomalies
Failure of unification
Many body problem

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phone +44 (0)20-8819-6615 also contact via abooth web site
Links to these pages are welcome. Last updated 11 March 2014
All pages on this site are © 2004-2014 A G Booth, London UK